Source code for d3d.vis.pcl

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.colors import Colormap

from d3d.abstraction import Target3DArray, TransformSet, TrackingTarget3D

_pcl_available = False
    import pcl
    import pcl.visualization as pv
    from pcl import Visualizer
    _pcl_available = True
    import typing
    Visualizer = typing.Any

[docs]def visualize_detections(visualizer: Visualizer, visualizer_frame: str, targets: Target3DArray, calib: TransformSet, text_scale=0.8, box_color=(1, 1, 1), text_color=(1, 0.8, 1), id_prefix="", tags=None, text_offset=None, viewport=0): ''' Visualize detection targets in PCL Visualizer. :param visualizer: The pcl.Visualizer instance used for visualization :param visualizer_frame: The frame that visualizer is in :param targets: Object array to be visualized :param calib: TransformSet object storing calibration information. This is mandatory if the targets are in different frames :param text_scale: The scale for text tags. Set to 0 or negative if you want to suppress text visualization :param box_color: Specifying the color of bounding boxes. If it's a tuple, then it's assumed that it contains three RGB values in range 0-1. If it's a str or matplotlib colormap object, then the color comes from applying colormap to the object id. :param text_color: Specifying the color of text tags. :param id_prefix: Prefix of actor ids in PCL Visualizer, essential when this function is called multiple times :param text_offset: Relative position of text tags with regard to the box center :param viewport: Viewport for objects to be added. This is a PCL related feature ''' if not _pcl_available: raise RuntimeError("pcl is not available, please check the installation of package") if id_prefix != "" and not id_prefix.endswith("/"): id_prefix = id_prefix + "/" # change frame to the same if targets.frame != visualizer_frame: targets = calib.transform_objects(targets, frame_to=visualizer_frame) # convert colormaps if isinstance(box_color, str): box_color = cm.get_cmap(box_color) if isinstance(text_color, str): text_color = cm.get_cmap(text_color) for i, target in enumerate(targets.filter_tag(tags)): tid = target.tid or i # convert coordinate orientation = target.orientation.as_quat() orientation = [orientation[3]] + orientation[:3].tolist() # To PCL quaternion lx, ly, lz = target.dimension cube_id = (id_prefix + "target%d") % i color = box_color(tid % 256) if isinstance(box_color, Colormap) else box_color alpha = color[3] if len(color) > 3 else 0.8 visualizer.addCube(target.position, orientation, lx, ly, lz, id=cube_id, viewport=viewport) visualizer.setShapeRenderingProperties(pv.RenderingProperties.Opacity, alpha, id=cube_id) visualizer.setShapeRenderingProperties(pv.RenderingProperties.Color, color[:3], id=cube_id) # draw tag if text_scale >= 0: text_id = (id_prefix + "target%d/tag") % i if target.tid: disp_text = "%s: %s" % (target.tid64, else: disp_text = "#%d: %s" % (i, aux_text = [] if target.tag_top_score < 1: aux_text.append("%.2f" % target.tag_top_score) position_var = np.power(np.linalg.det(target.position_var), 1/6) # display standard deviation if position_var > 0: aux_text.append("%.2f" % position_var) dimension_var = np.power(np.linalg.det(target.dimension_var), 1/6) if dimension_var > 0: aux_text.append("%.2f" % dimension_var) if target.orientation_var > 0: aux_text.append("%.2f" % target.orientation_var) if len(aux_text) > 0: disp_text += " (" + ", ".join(aux_text) + ")" disp_pos = np.copy(target.position) disp_pos[2] += lz / 2 # lift the text out of box if text_offset is not None: # apply offset disp_pos += text_offset color = text_color(tid % 256) if isinstance(text_color, Colormap) else text_color visualizer.addText3D(disp_text, list(disp_pos), text_scale=text_scale, color=text_color[:3], id=text_id, viewport=viewport) # draw orientation arrow_id = (id_prefix + "target%d/direction") % i dir_x, dir_y, dir_z = np.hsplit(target.orientation.as_matrix(), 3) off_x, off_y, off_z = dir_x * lx / 2, dir_y * ly / 2, dir_z * lz / 2 off_x, off_y, off_z = off_x.flatten(), off_y.flatten(), off_z.flatten() pos_bottom = target.position - off_z visualizer.addLine(pos_bottom - off_y - off_x, pos_bottom + off_x, id=arrow_id+"_1", viewport=viewport) visualizer.addLine(pos_bottom + off_y - off_x, pos_bottom + off_x, id=arrow_id+"_2", viewport=viewport) # draw velocity if isinstance(target, TrackingTarget3D): arrow_id = (id_prefix + "target%d/velocity") % i pstart = target.position pend = target.position + target.velocity visualizer.addLine(pstart, pend, color=(0.5, 0.5, 1), id=arrow_id, viewport=viewport)