Source code for d3d.dataset.waymo.loader

import base64
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import struct
import subprocess
import tarfile
import tempfile
from typing import Union
import zipfile
from enum import Enum, auto
from io import BytesIO, RawIOBase
from pathlib import Path

import msgpack
import numpy as np
from addict import Dict as edict
from d3d.abstraction import (EgoPose, ObjectTag, ObjectTarget3D, Target3DArray,
from d3d.dataset.base import (TrackingDatasetBase, check_frames, expand_idx,
from import PatchedZipFile
from PIL import Image
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict

_logger = logging.getLogger("d3d")

[docs]class WaymoObjectClass(Enum): ''' Category of objects in KITTI dataset ''' Unknown = 0 Vehicle = auto() Pedestrian = auto() Sign = auto() Cyclist = auto()
[docs]class WaymoLoader(TrackingDatasetBase): """ Load Waymo dataset into a usable format. Please use the d3d_waymo_convert command to convert the dataset first into following formats * Directory Structure:: - <base_path directory> - training - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxx_xxx_xxx_xxx(.zip) - ... - validation - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxx_xxx_xxx_xxx(.zip) - ... For description of constructor parameters, please refer to :class:`d3d.dataset.base.TrackingDatasetBase` """ VALID_CAM_NAMES = ["camera_front", "camera_front_left", "camera_front_right", "camera_side_left", "camera_side_right"] VALID_LIDAR_NAMES = ["lidar_top", "lidar_front", "lidar_side_left", "lidar_side_right", "lidar_rear"] VALID_OBJ_CLASSES = WaymoObjectClass def __init__(self, base_path, phase="training", inzip=False, trainval_split=None, trainval_random=False, nframes=0): super().__init__(base_path, inzip=inzip, phase=phase, nframes=nframes, trainval_split=trainval_split, trainval_random=trainval_random) self.base_path = Path(base_path) / phase self.inzip = inzip self._load_metadata() def _load_metadata(self): meta_path = self.base_path / "metadata.msg" if not meta_path.exists():"Creating metadata of Waymo dataset (%s)...", self.phase) metadata = {} if self.inzip: for archive in self.base_path.iterdir(): if archive.is_dir() or archive.suffix != ".zip": continue with PatchedZipFile(archive, to_extract="context/stats.json") as ar: metadata[archive.stem] = json.loads("context/stats.json")) else: for folder in self.base_path.iterdir(): if not folder.is_dir(): continue with (folder / "context/stats.json").open() as fin: metadata[] = json.load(fin) with open(meta_path, "wb") as fout: msgpack.pack(metadata, fout) with open(meta_path, "rb") as fin: self._metadata = SortedDict() meta_json = msgpack.unpack(fin) for k, v in meta_json.items(): self._metadata[k] = edict(v) def __len__(self): return sum(v.frame_count for v in self._metadata.values()) def _locate_frame(self, idx): for k, v in self._metadata.items(): if idx < v.frame_count: return k, idx idx -= v.frame_count raise ValueError("Index larger than dataset size")
[docs] @expand_idx_name(VALID_LIDAR_NAMES) def lidar_data(self, idx, names=None, formatted=False): # XXX: support return ri2 data seq_id, frame_idx = idx fname = "%s/%04d.bin" % (names, frame_idx) if self._return_file_path: return self.base_path / seq_id / fname if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / (seq_id + ".zip"), to_extract=fname) as ar: cloud = np.frombuffer(, dtype='f4') else: cloud = np.fromfile(self.base_path / seq_id / fname, dtype='f4') cloud = cloud.reshape(-1, 5) # (x, y, z, intensity, elongation) # point cloud is represented in base frame in Waymo dataset calib = self.calibration_data(idx) rt = calib.extrinsics[names] cloud[:,:3] = cloud[:,:3].dot(rt[:3,:3].T) + rt[:3, 3] if not formatted: return cloud columns = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'intensity', 'elongation'] return cloud.view([(c, 'f4') for c in columns])
[docs] @expand_idx_name(VALID_CAM_NAMES) def camera_data(self, idx, names=None): """ :param names: frame names of camera to be loaded """ seq_id, frame_idx = idx fname = "%s/%04d.jpg" % (names, frame_idx) if self._return_file_path: return self.base_path / seq_id / fname if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / (seq_id + ".zip"), to_extract=fname) as ar: return'RGB') else: / seq_id / fname).convert('RGB')
@expand_idx_name(VALID_CAM_NAMES) def annotation_2dobject(self, idx, names=None): seq_id, frame_idx = idx fname = "label_%s/%04d.json" % (names, frame_idx) if self._return_file_path: return self.base_path / seq_id / fname if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / (seq_id + ".zip"), to_extract=fname) as ar: data = json.loads( else: with (self.base_path / seq_id / fname).open() as fin: data = json.load(fin) labels = list(map(edict, data)) # XXX: currently we don't have a interface for storing 2d object return labels
[docs] @expand_idx def annotation_3dobject(self, idx, raw=False): seq_id, frame_idx = idx fname = "label_lidars/%04d.json" % frame_idx if self._return_file_path: return self.base_path / seq_id / fname if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / (seq_id + ".zip"), to_extract=fname) as ar: data = json.loads( else: with (self.base_path / seq_id / fname).open() as fin: data = json.load(fin) labels = list(map(edict, data)) if raw: return labels arr = Target3DArray(frame="vehicle") # or frame=None for label in labels: tid = base64.urlsafe_b64decode([:12]) tid, = struct.unpack('Q', tid[:8]) target = ObjectTarget3D(, Rotation.from_euler("z", label.heading), label.size, ObjectTag(label.label, WaymoObjectClass), tid=tid ) arr.append(target) return arr
[docs] def calibration_data(self, idx): # TODO: add motion compensation, ref: # if isinstance(idx, int): seq_id, _ = self._locate_frame(idx) else: seq_id, _ = idx assert not self._return_file_path, "The calibration data is not in a single file!" calib_params = TransformSet("vehicle") # load json files fname_cams = "context/calib_cams.json" fname_lidars = "context/calib_lidars.json" if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / (seq_id + ".zip"), to_extract=[fname_cams, fname_lidars]) as ar: calib_cams = json.loads( calib_lidars = json.loads( else: with (self.base_path / seq_id / fname_cams).open() as fin: calib_cams = json.load(fin) with (self.base_path / seq_id / fname_lidars).open() as fin: calib_lidars = json.load(fin) # parse camera calibration for frame, calib in calib_cams.items(): frame = "camera_" + frame (fu, fv, cu, cv), distort = calib['intrinsic'][:4], calib['intrinsic'][4:] transform = np.array(calib['extrinsic']).reshape(4,4) size = (calib['width'], calib['height']) calib_params.set_intrinsic_pinhole(frame, size, cu, cv, fu, fv, distort_coeffs=distort) calib_params.set_extrinsic(transform, frame_from=frame) # parse lidar calibration for frame, calib in calib_lidars.items(): frame = "lidar_" + frame calib_params.set_intrinsic_lidar(frame) transform = np.array(calib['extrinsic']).reshape(4,4) calib_params.set_extrinsic(transform, frame_from=frame) return calib_params
[docs] @expand_idx def identity(self, idx): return idx
[docs] @expand_idx def timestamp(self, idx): seq_id, frame_idx = idx fname = "timestamp/%04d.txt" % frame_idx if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / (seq_id + ".zip"), to_extract=fname) as ar: return int( else: return int((self.base_path / seq_id / fname).read_bytes())
[docs] @expand_idx def pose(self, idx, raw=False): seq_id, frame_idx = idx fname = "pose/%04d.bin" % frame_idx if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / (seq_id + ".zip"), to_extract=fname) as ar: rt = np.frombuffer(, dtype="f8") else: rt = np.fromfile(self.base_path / seq_id / fname, dtype="f8") if raw: return rt return EgoPose(-rt[:3, 3], rt[:3, :3])
@property def pose_name(self): return 'vehicle' @property def sequence_ids(self): return list(self._metadata.keys()) @property def sequence_sizes(self): return {k: v.frame_count for k, v in self._metadata.items()}
[docs] @expand_idx def dump_detection_output(self, idx: Union[int, tuple], detections: Target3DArray, fout: RawIOBase) -> None: ''' :param detections: detection result :param ids: auxiliary information for output, each item contains context name and timestamp :param fout: output file-like object ''' try: from waymo_open_dataset import label_pb2 from waymo_open_dataset.protos import metrics_pb2 except: _logger.error("Cannot find waymo_open_dataset, install the package at " ", output will be skipped now.") return label_map = { WaymoObjectClass.Unknown: label_pb2.Label.TYPE_UNKNOWN, WaymoObjectClass.Vehicle: label_pb2.Label.TYPE_VEHICLE, WaymoObjectClass.Pedestrian: label_pb2.Label.TYPE_PEDESTRIAN, WaymoObjectClass.Sign: label_pb2.Label.TYPE_SIGN, WaymoObjectClass.Cyclist: label_pb2.Label.TYPE_CYCLIST } waymo_array = metrics_pb2.Objects() for target in detections: waymo_target = metrics_pb2.Object() # convert box parameters box = label_pb2.Label.Box() box.center_x = target.position[0] box.center_y = target.position[1] box.center_z = target.position[2] box.length = target.dimension[0] box.width = target.dimension[1] box.height = target.dimension[2] box.heading = target.yaw # convert label waymo_target.object.type = label_map[target.tag_top] waymo_target.score = target.tag_top_score waymo_target.context_name = idx[0] # the name of the sequence is the context waymo_target.frame_timestamp_micros = int(self.timestamp(idx) * 1e6) waymo_array.objects.append(waymo_target) bindata = waymo_array.SerializeToString() if isinstance(fout, (str, Path)): Path(fout).write_bytes(bindata) else: fout.write(bindata)
[docs]def execute_official_evaluator(exec_path, label_path, result_path, output_path, model_name=None, show_output=True): ''' Execute compute_detection_metrics_main from waymo_open_dataset :param exec_path: path to compute_detection_metrics_main ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]def create_submission(result_path, output_file, exec_path, meta_path, model_name=None): ''' Execute create_submission from waymo_open_dataset :param exec_path: path to create_submission executable from waymo devkit :param result_path: path (or list of path) to detection result in binary protobuf from dump_detection_output :param meta_path: path to the metadata file (example: waymo_open_dataset/metrics/tools/submission.txtpb) :param output_path: output path for the created submission archive ''' temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() + '/' model_name = model_name or "noname" cwd_path = Path(temp_path + 'input') # change input directory cwd_path.mkdir() # combine single results if isinstance(result_path, str): result_path = [result_path] else: assert isinstance(result_path, (list, tuple)) input_files, counter = [], 0 print("Combining outputs into %s..." % temp_path) for rpath in result_path: from waymo_open_dataset.protos.metrics_pb2 import Objects # merge objects combined_objects = Objects() for f in os.listdir(rpath): with open(Path(rpath, f), "rb") as fin: objects = Objects() objects.ParseFromString( combined_objects.MergeFrom(objects) if len(combined_objects.objects) > 1024: # create binary file every 1024 objects with open(cwd_path / ("%x.bin" % counter), "wb") as fout: fout.write(combined_objects.SerializeToString()) combined_objects = Objects() counter += 1 # write remaining objects if len(combined_objects.objects) > 0: with open(cwd_path / ("%x.bin" % counter), "wb") as fout: fout.write(combined_objects.SerializeToString()) input_files = ','.join(os.listdir(cwd_path)) # create submissions print("Creating submission...") proc = subprocess.Popen([exec_path, "--input_filenames=%s" % input_files, "--output_filename=%s" % (temp_path + model_name), "--submission_filename=%s" % meta_path ], cwd=cwd_path) proc.wait() fsubmission = Path(output_file) fsubmission.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if fsubmission.suffix != ".tgz": fsubmission = fsubmission.parent / ( + ".tgz") with, "w:gz") as tar: tar.add(temp_path, arcname=os.path.basename(temp_path)) # create tarball print("Clean up...") if cwd_path != result_path: # remove combined files before zipping shutil.rmtree(cwd_path) shutil.rmtree(temp_path) print("Submission created at", fsubmission)