Source code for d3d.dataset.nuscenes.loader

import json
import logging
import shutil
import tempfile
import warnings
import zipfile
from io import RawIOBase
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Union

import msgpack
import numpy as np
import tqdm
from addict import Dict as edict
from d3d.abstraction import (EgoPose, ObjectTag, ObjectTarget3D, Target3DArray,
                             TrackingTarget3D, TransformSet)
from d3d.dataset.base import (TrackingDatasetBase, expand_idx, expand_idx_name,
from import PatchedZipFile
from PIL import Image
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict

from d3d.dataset.nuscenes.constants import (NuscenesDetectionClass,
    NuscenesObjectClass, NuscenesSegmentationClass, train_split, val_split)

_logger = logging.getLogger("d3d")

_default_ranges = { # settings from detection_cvpr_2019 50,
    NuscenesDetectionClass.truck: 50,
    NuscenesDetectionClass.bus: 50,
    NuscenesDetectionClass.trailer: 50,
    NuscenesDetectionClass.construction_vehicle: 50,
    NuscenesDetectionClass.pedestrian: 40,
    NuscenesDetectionClass.motorcycle: 40,
    NuscenesDetectionClass.bicycle: 40,
    NuscenesDetectionClass.traffic_cone: 30,
    NuscenesDetectionClass.barrier: 30

[docs]class NuscenesLoader(TrackingDatasetBase): ''' Load Nuscenes dataset into a usable format. Please use the d3d_nuscenes_convert command to convert the dataset first into following formats * Directory Structure:: - <base_path directory> - trainval - scene_xxx(.zip) - ... - test - scene_xxx(.zip) - ... For description of constructor parameters, please refer to :class:`d3d.dataset.base.TrackingDatasetBase` ''' VALID_CAM_NAMES = ["cam_front", "cam_front_left", "cam_front_right", "cam_back", "cam_back_left", "cam_back_right"] VALID_LIDAR_NAMES = ["lidar_top"] VALID_OBJ_CLASSES = NuscenesDetectionClass VALID_PTS_CLASSES = NuscenesSegmentationClass def __init__(self, base_path, inzip=False, phase="training", trainval_split="official", trainval_random=False, trainval_byseq=False, nframes=0): super().__init__(base_path, inzip=inzip, phase=phase, nframes=nframes, trainval_split=trainval_split, trainval_random=trainval_random, trainval_byseq=trainval_byseq) self.base_path = Path(base_path) / ("trainval" if phase in ["training", "validation"] else "test") self.inzip = inzip self._metadata = None self._rawmapping = None self._segmapping = None self._load_metadata() # split trainval if trainval_split == "official": if phase == "training": trainval_split = train_split trainval_byseq = True elif phase == "validation": trainval_split = val_split trainval_byseq = True else: trainval_split = 1 # all samples frames_counts = SortedDict((k, v.nbr_samples) for k, v in self._metadata.items()) self.frames = split_trainval_seq(phase, frames_counts, trainval_split, trainval_random, trainval_byseq) def _load_metadata(self): meta_path = self.base_path / "metadata.msg" if not meta_path.exists():"Creating metadata of Nuscenes dataset (%s)...", self.phase) metadata = {} if self.inzip: for archive in self.base_path.iterdir(): if archive.is_dir() or archive.suffix != ".zip": continue with PatchedZipFile(archive, to_extract="scene/stats.json") as ar: metadata[archive.stem] = json.loads("scene/stats.json")) else: for folder in self.base_path.iterdir(): if not folder.is_dir() or == "maps": continue metadata[] = json.loads((folder / "scene/stats.json").read_text()) assert len(metadata) > 0, "The dataset folder contains no valid frame, "\ "please check path or parameters!" with open(meta_path, "wb") as fout: msgpack.pack(metadata, fout) with open(meta_path, "rb") as fin: self._metadata = SortedDict() meta_json = msgpack.unpack(fin) for k, v in meta_json.items(): self._metadata[k] = edict(v) # load category mapping for segmentation with open(self.base_path / "category.json") as fin: cat_json = json.load(fin) cat_dict = {} for item in cat_json: if 'index' in item: cat_dict[item['index']] = NuscenesObjectClass.parse(item['name']) builtin_table = NuscenesObjectClass._get_nuscenes_id_table() self._rawmapping = np.empty(len(builtin_table) + 1, dtype='u4') self._segmapping = np.empty(len(builtin_table) + 1, dtype='u1') for idx, clsobj in enumerate(builtin_table): if idx in cat_dict: # test against offcial definition assert cat_dict[idx] == clsobj, "Builtin Nuscenes-lidarseg table is incorrect! Please report this bug." self._rawmapping[idx] = clsobj.value self._segmapping[idx] = clsobj.to_segmentation().value def __len__(self): return len(self.frames) @property def sequence_ids(self): return list(self._metadata.keys()) @property def sequence_sizes(self): return {k: v.nbr_samples for k, v in self._metadata.items()} def _locate_frame(self, idx): # use underlying frame index idx = self.frames[idx] # find corresponding sample for k, v in self._metadata.items(): if idx < (v.nbr_samples - self.nframes): return k, idx idx -= (v.nbr_samples - self.nframes) raise ValueError("Index larger than dataset size") def map_data(self, idx): # TODO(v0.5): see for image cropping raise NotImplementedError() def _load_lidar_data(self, seq_id, fname, formatted): if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / f"{seq_id}.zip", to_extract=fname) as ar: buffer = else: buffer = (self.base_path / seq_id / fname).read_bytes() scan = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=np.float32) scan = np.copy(scan.reshape(-1, 5)) # (x, y, z, intensity, ring index) if not formatted: return scan columns = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'intensity', 'ring_index'] return scan.view([(c, 'f4') for c in columns])
[docs] @expand_idx_name(VALID_LIDAR_NAMES) def lidar_data(self, idx, names='lidar_top', formatted=False): seq_id, frame_idx = idx assert names == 'lidar_top', "Only lidar_top is valid in Nuscenes dataset" fname = "lidar_top/%03d.pcd" % frame_idx if self._return_file_path: return self.base_path / seq_id / fname else: return self._load_lidar_data(seq_id, fname, formatted=formatted)
def _load_camera_data(self, seq_id, fname): if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / f"{seq_id}.zip", to_extract=fname) as ar: return'RGB') else: return / seq_id / fname)
[docs] @expand_idx_name(VALID_CAM_NAMES) def camera_data(self, idx, names=None): seq_id, frame_idx = idx fname = "%s/%03d.jpg" % (names, frame_idx) if self._return_file_path: return self.base_path / seq_id / fname else: return self._load_camera_data(seq_id, fname)
[docs] @expand_idx_name(VALID_CAM_NAMES + VALID_LIDAR_NAMES) def intermediate_data(self, idx, names=None, ninter_frames=None, formatted=False): seq_id, frame_idx = idx fname = "intermediate/%03d/meta.json" % frame_idx # Load meta json if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / f"{seq_id}.zip", to_extract=fname) as ar: meta = json.loads( else: with Path(self.base_path, seq_id, fname).open() as fin: meta = json.load(fin) if not meta: return [] # Select frames if ninter_frames is None: meta = [edict(item) for item in meta[names]] else: meta = [edict(item) for item in meta[names][:ninter_frames]] # parse pose part for item in meta: rotation = item.pop("rotation") rotation = Rotation.from_quat(rotation[1:] + [rotation[0]]) translation = item.pop("translation") item.pose = EgoPose(translation, rotation) if self._return_file_path: for item in meta: item.file = self.base_path / seq_id / "intermediate" / f"{frame_idx:03}" / item.file return meta # Load actual data for item in meta: fname = "intermediate/%03d/%s" % (frame_idx, item.pop("file")) if names in self.VALID_CAM_NAMES: = self._load_camera_data(seq_id, fname) else: # names in VALID_LIDAR_NAMES: = self._load_lidar_data(seq_id, fname, formatted=formatted) return meta
[docs] @expand_idx def annotation_3dobject(self, idx, raw=False, convert_tag=True, with_velocity=True): seq_id, frame_idx = idx fname = "annotation/%03d.json" % frame_idx if self._return_file_path: return self.base_path / seq_id / fname if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / f"{seq_id}.zip", to_extract=fname) as ar: labels = json.loads( else: with Path(self.base_path, seq_id, fname).open() as fin: labels = json.load(fin) labels = list(map(edict, labels)) if raw: return labels # parse annotations ego_pose = self.pose(idx, bypass=True) ego_r, ego_t = ego_pose.orientation, ego_pose.position ego_ri = ego_r.inv() ego_rim = ego_ri.as_matrix() outputs = Target3DArray(frame="ego") for label in labels: # convert tags tag = NuscenesObjectClass.parse(label.category) for attr in label.attribute: tag = tag | NuscenesObjectClass.parse(attr) if convert_tag: tag = ObjectTag(tag.to_detection(), NuscenesDetectionClass) else: tag = ObjectTag(tag, NuscenesObjectClass) aux = dict(num_lidar_pts=label['num_lidar_pts'], num_radar_pts=label['num_radar_pts']) # caculate relative pose r = Rotation.from_quat(label.rotation[1:] + [label.rotation[0]]) t = label.translation rel_r = ego_ri * r rel_t =, t - ego_t) size = [label.size[1], label.size[0], label.size[2]] # wlh -> lwh tid = int(label.instance[:8], 16) # truncate into uint64 # create object if with_velocity: v =, label.velocity) w = label.angular_velocity target = TrackingTarget3D(rel_t, rel_r, size, v, w, tag, tid=tid, aux=aux) outputs.append(target) else: target = ObjectTarget3D(rel_t, rel_r, size, tag, tid=tid, aux=aux) outputs.append(target) return outputs
[docs] @expand_idx_name(VALID_LIDAR_NAMES) def annotation_3dpoints(self, idx, names='lidar_top', parse_tag=True, convert_tag=True): ''' :param parse_tag: Parse tag from original nuscenes id defined in category.json into :class:`NuscenesObjectClass` :param convert_tag: Convert tag from :class:`NuscenesObjectClass` to :class:`NuscenesSegmentationClass` ''' assert names == 'lidar_top' seq_id, frame_idx = idx fname = "lidar_top_seg/%03d.bin" % frame_idx if self._return_file_path: return edict(semantic=self.base_path / seq_id / fname) if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / f"{seq_id}.zip", to_extract=fname) as ar: buffer = else: buffer = (self.base_path / seq_id / fname).read_bytes() label = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype='u1') if parse_tag: if convert_tag: return edict(semantic=self._segmapping[label]) else: return edict(semantic=self._rawmapping[label]) else: return edict(semantic=label)
@expand_idx def metadata(self, idx): seq_id, frame_idx = idx assert not self._return_file_path, "The metadata is not in a single file!" meta = self._metadata[seq_id] return edict( scene_description=meta.description, scene_token=meta.token, sample_token=meta.sample_tokens[frame_idx], logfile=meta.logfile, date_captured=meta.date_captured, vehicle=meta.vehicle, location=meta.location )
[docs] @expand_idx_name(VALID_CAM_NAMES + VALID_LIDAR_NAMES) def token(self, idx, names='lidar_top'): ''' Return the sample data token in original Nuscenes data given data index and sensor name ''' seq_id, frame_idx = idx fname = "scene/tokens.json" assert not self._return_file_path, "The tokens are not stored in a single file!" if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / (seq_id + ".zip"), to_extract=fname) as ar: token_data = json.loads( else: with Path(self.base_path, seq_id, fname).open() as fin: token_data = json.load(fin) return token_data[names][frame_idx]
[docs] @expand_idx def calibration_data(self, idx): seq_id, _ = idx assert not self._return_file_path, "The calibration is not in a single file!" calib_params = TransformSet("ego") calib_fname = "scene/calib.json" if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / (seq_id + ".zip"), to_extract=calib_fname) as ar: calib_data = json.loads( else: with Path(self.base_path, seq_id, calib_fname).open() as fin: calib_data = json.load(fin) for frame, calib in calib_data.items(): # set intrinsics if frame.startswith('cam'): image_size = (1600, 900) # currently all the images have the same size projection = np.array(calib['camera_intrinsic']) calib_params.set_intrinsic_camera(frame, projection, image_size, rotate=False) elif frame.startswith('lidar'): calib_params.set_intrinsic_lidar(frame) elif frame.startswith('radar'): calib_params.set_intrinsic_radar(frame) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized frame name.") # set extrinsics r = Rotation.from_quat(calib['rotation'][1:] + [calib['rotation'][0]]) t = np.array(calib['translation']) extri = np.eye(4) extri[:3, :3] = r.as_matrix() extri[:3, 3] = t calib_params.set_extrinsic(extri, frame_from=frame) return calib_params
[docs] @expand_idx def identity(self, idx): return idx
[docs] @expand_idx def timestamp(self, idx, names="lidar_top"): seq_id, frame_idx = idx fname = "timestamp/%03d.json" % frame_idx if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / f"{seq_id}.zip", to_extract=fname) as ar: tsdict = json.loads( else: with Path(self.base_path, seq_id, fname).open() as fin: tsdict = json.load(fin) if names in tsdict: return tsdict[names] else: return tsdict["lidar_top"]
[docs] @expand_idx_name(VALID_LIDAR_NAMES + VALID_CAM_NAMES) def pose(self, idx, names="lidar_top", raw=False): # Note that here pose always return the pose of the vehicle, names are for different timestamps seq_id, frame_idx = idx fname = "pose/%03d.json" % frame_idx if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / f"{seq_id}.zip", to_extract=fname) as ar: data = json.loads( else: with Path(self.base_path, seq_id, fname).open() as fin: data = json.load(fin) data = data[names] if raw: return data r = Rotation.from_quat(data['rotation'][1:] + [data['rotation'][0]]) t = np.array(data['translation']) return EgoPose(t, r)
@property def pose_name(self): return 'ego' @expand_idx def dump_detection_output(self, idx: Union[int, tuple], detections: Target3DArray, fout: Union[str, Path, RawIOBase], ranges: Dict[NuscenesObjectClass, float] = _default_ranges) -> None: calib = self.calibration_data(idx) ego_pose = self.pose(idx) sample_token = self.metadata(idx).sample_token default_attr = { NuscenesObjectClass.vehicle_parked.attribute_name, NuscenesDetectionClass.pedestrian: NuscenesObjectClass.pedestrian_standing.attribute_name, NuscenesDetectionClass.trailer: NuscenesObjectClass.vehicle_parked.attribute_name, NuscenesDetectionClass.truck: NuscenesObjectClass.vehicle_parked.attribute_name, NuscenesDetectionClass.bus: NuscenesObjectClass.vehicle_stopped.attribute_name, NuscenesDetectionClass.motorcycle: NuscenesObjectClass.cycle_without_rider.attribute_name, NuscenesDetectionClass.construction_vehicle: NuscenesObjectClass.vehicle_parked.attribute_name, NuscenesDetectionClass.bicycle: NuscenesObjectClass.cycle_without_rider.attribute_name, NuscenesDetectionClass.barrier: "", NuscenesDetectionClass.traffic_cone: "", } output = [] for box in calib.transform_objects(detections, "ego"): if isinstance(box.tag_top, NuscenesObjectClass): box_cat = box.tag_top.to_detection() box_attr = box.tag_top.attribute elif isinstance(box.tag_top, NuscenesDetectionClass): box_cat = box.tag_top box_attr = NuscenesObjectClass.unknown else: raise ValueError("Incorrect object tag type") if box_cat in ranges: if np.hypot(box.position[0], box.position[1]) > ranges[box_cat]: continue # parse category and attribute if box_attr == NuscenesObjectClass.unknown: if isinstance(box, TrackingTarget3D) and np.hypot(box.velocity[0], box.velocity[1]) > 0.2: if box_cat in [, NuscenesDetectionClass.construction_vehicle, NuscenesDetectionClass.bus, NuscenesDetectionClass.truck, NuscenesDetectionClass.trailer, ]: attr = NuscenesObjectClass.vehicle_moving.attribute_name elif box_cat in [ NuscenesDetectionClass.bicycle, NuscenesDetectionClass.motorcycle ]: attr = NuscenesObjectClass.cycle_with_rider.attribute_name elif box_cat in [ NuscenesDetectionClass.pedestrian ]: attr = NuscenesObjectClass.pedestrian_moving.attribute_name else: attr = default_attr[box_cat] else: attr = default_attr[box_cat] else: attr = box.tag_top.attribute_name # calculate properties, this part is the exact inverse of annotation_3dobject rel_r, rel_t = box.orientation, box.position ego_r, ego_t = ego_pose.orientation, ego_pose.position ego_rm = ego_r.as_matrix() ego_t = t = + ego_t r = (ego_r * rel_r).as_quat().tolist() l, w, h = box.dimension.tolist() odict = dict( sample_token=sample_token, translation=t.tolist(), size=[w, l, h], # lwh -> wlh rotation=[r[3]] + r[:3], # xyzw -> wxyz, detection_score=box.tag_top_score, attribute_name=attr ) if isinstance(box, TrackingTarget3D): vel = odict['velocity'] = vel[:2].tolist() else: odict['velocity'] = [0, 0] output.append(odict) if not output: # add token if no objects available output.append(sample_token) if isinstance(fout, (str, Path)): Path(fout).write_text(json.dumps(output)) else: fout.write(json.dumps(output).encode())
[docs] @expand_idx def dump_segmentation_output(self, idx: Union[int, tuple], segmentation: np.ndarray, folder_out: str, raw2seg: bool = True, default_class: Union[int, NuscenesSegmentationClass] = 15): ''' :param raw2seg: If set as true, input array will be considered as raw id (consistent with values stored in label) :param default_class: Class to be selected when the label is 0 (ignore) ''' folder_out = Path(folder_out) folder_out.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if isinstance(default_class, NuscenesSegmentationClass): default_class = default_class.value if default_class == 0: warnings.warn("Class 0 (ignored) is not removed!") fname = "%s_lidarseg.bin" % self.token(idx, 'lidar_top') arr = self._segmapping[segmentation] if raw2seg else segmentation.astype('u1') arr = np.where(arr == 0, default_class, arr) # 0 is not acceptable in submission arr.tofile(folder_out / fname)
def create_submission(result_path, output_file, task="detection", modality=None, eval_set="test"): ''' For lidarseg submission, you need to have file name as f"{lidar_sample_data_token}_lidarseg.bin" :param result_path: path to the dump results :param output_file: path to the output file :param modality: modality used :param eval_set: Evaluation split, required when create submission for lidarseg ''' if not modality: modality = { "use_camera": False, # Whether this submission uses camera data as an input. "use_lidar": True, # Whether this submission uses lidar data as an input. "use_radar": False, # Whether this submission uses radar data as an input. "use_map": False, # Whether this submission uses map data as an input. "use_external": False, # Whether this submission uses external data as an input. } if task == "detection": nusc_submissions = { 'meta': modality, 'results': {}, } fjsons = list(Path(result_path).iterdir()) for fdump in tqdm.tqdm(fjsons, "Reading dumped objects"): with open(fdump) as fin: dump_data = json.load(fin) if isinstance(dump_data[0], str): nusc_submissions['results'][dump_data[0]] = {} else: token = dump_data[0]['sample_token'] nusc_submissions['results'][token] = dump_data fsubmission = Path(output_file) if fsubmission.suffix != ".json": fsubmission = fsubmission.parent / ( + ".json") fsubmission.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) fsubmission.write_bytes(json.dumps(nusc_submissions).encode()) elif task == "lidarseg": fsubmission = Path(output_file) fsubmission.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) with zipfile.ZipFile(fsubmission, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as archive: archive.writestr(eval_set + '/submission.json', json.dumps(dict(meta=modality))) fjsons = list(Path(result_path).iterdir()) for fdump in tqdm.tqdm(fjsons, "Reading dumped arrays"): archive.write(fdump, 'lidarseg/' + eval_set + '/' + else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized task") def execute_official_evaluator(nusc_path, result_path, output_path, task="detection", nusc_version="v1.0-trainval", eval_version="detection_cvpr_2019", verbose=True): ''' Call official evaluator implemented in Nuscenes devkit on evaluation set :param result_path: For detection, it's the path to the submission json file; For lidarseg, it's the path to the submission zip ''' from nuscenes import NuScenes nusc = NuScenes(version=nusc_version, dataroot=nusc_path, verbose=verbose) if task == "detection": from nuscenes.eval.detection.config import config_factory from nuscenes.eval.detection.evaluate import NuScenesEval nusc_eval = NuScenesEval( nusc, config=config_factory(eval_version), result_path=result_path, eval_set='val', output_dir=output_path, verbose=verbose ) nusc_eval.main(render_curves=False) elif task == "lidarseg": from nuscenes.eval.lidarseg.evaluate import LidarSegEval tempfolder = tempfile.mkdtemp() if verbose: print("Extracting submission to", tempfolder) with zipfile.ZipFile(result_path, "r") as archive: archive.extractall(tempfolder) try: nusc_eval = LidarSegEval( nusc, results_folder=tempfolder, eval_set='val', verbose=verbose ) results = nusc_eval.evaluate() if verbose: print("Results:", results) output_path = Path(output_path) output_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) with open(output_path / "lidarseg_results.json", "w") as fout: json.dump(results, fout, indent=" ") finally: shutil.rmtree(tempfolder) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported evaluation task!")