Source code for d3d.dataset.kitti.utils

from datetime import datetime
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum, auto
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
from d3d.abstraction import EgoPose

# ====== Common classes ======

# see data format description from raw dataset
OxtData = namedtuple("OxtData", [
    'lat',          # latitude of the oxts-unit (deg)
    'lon',          # longitude of the oxts-unit (deg)
    'alt',          # altitude of the oxts-unit (m)
    'roll',         # roll angle (rad),    0 = level, positive = left side up,      range-pi   .. +pi
    'pitch',        # pitch angle (rad),   0 = level, positive = front down,        range-pi/2 .. +pi/2
    'yaw',          # heading (rad),       0 = east,  positive = counter clockwise, range-pi   .. +pi
    'vn',           # velocity towards north (m/s)
    've',           # velocity towards east (m/s)
    'vf',           # forward velocity, i.e. parallel to earth-surface (m/s)
    'vl',           # leftward velocity, i.e. parallel to earth-surface (m/s)
    'vu',           # upward velocity, i.e. perpendicular to earth-surface (m/s)
    'ax',           # acceleration in x, i.e. in direction of vehicle front (m/s^2)
    'ay',           # acceleration in y, i.e. in direction of vehicle left (m/s^2)
    'az',           # acceleration in z, i.e. in direction of vehicle top (m/s^2)
    'af',           # forward acceleration (m/s^2)
    'al',           # leftward acceleration (m/s^2)
    'au',           # upward acceleration (m/s^2)
    'wx',           # angular rate around x (rad/s)
    'wy',           # angular rate around y (rad/s)
    'wz',           # angular rate around z (rad/s)
    'wf',           # angular rate around forward axis (rad/s)
    'wl',           # angular rate around leftward axis (rad/s)
    'wu',           # angular rate around upward axis (rad/s)
    'pos_accuracy', # position accuracy (north/east in m)
    'vel_accuracy', # velocity accuracy (north/east in m/s)
    'navstat',      # navigation status (see navstat_to_string)
    'numsats',      # number of satellites tracked by primary GPS receiver
    'posmode',      # position mode of primary GPS receiver (see gps_mode_to_string)
    'velmode',      # velocity mode of primary GPS receiver (see gps_mode_to_string)
    'orimode',      # orientation mode of primary GPS receiver (see gps_mode_to_string)

[docs]class KittiObjectClass(Enum): ''' Category of objects in KITTI dataset ''' DontCare = 0 Car = auto() Van = auto() Truck = auto() Pedestrian = auto() Person = auto() # Person (sitting). Person_sitting = Person Cyclist = auto() Tram = auto() Misc = auto()
class SemanticKittiLearningClass(Enum): """ ID from the learning map in the official devkit. Reference: """ unlabeled = 0 car = 1 bicycle = 2 motorcycle = 3 truck = 4 other_vehicle = 5 person = 6 bicyclist = 7 motorcyclist = 8 road = 9 parking = 10 sidewalk = 11 other_ground = 12 building = 13 fence = 14 vegetation = 15 trunk = 16 terrain = 17 pole = 18 traffic_sign = 19 moving_car = 20 moving_bicyclist = 21 moving_person = 22 moving_motorcyclist = 23 moving_other_vehicle = 24 moving_truck = 25 def to_original_id(self, is_moving=False): if is_moving: learning_map_inv = { 1: 252, 7: 253, 6: 254, 8: 255, 4: 258, 5: 259, } else: learning_map_inv = { 0: 0 , 1: 10 , 2: 11 , 3: 15 , 4: 18 , 5: 20 , 6: 30 , 7: 31 , 8: 32 , 9: 40 , 10: 44 , 11: 48 , 12: 49 , 13: 50 , 14: 51 , 15: 70 , 16: 71 , 17: 72 , 18: 80 , 19: 81 , } return SemanticKittiClass(learning_map_inv[self.value]) class SemanticKittiClass(Enum): unlabeled = 0 outlier = 1 # static = 9 car = 10 bicycle = 11 bus = 13 motorcycle = 15 on_rails = 16 truck = 18 other_vehicle = 20 person = 30 bicyclist = 31 motorcyclist = 32 road = 40 parking = 44 sidewalk = 48 other_ground = 49 building = 50 fence = 51 other_structure = 52 lane_marking = 60 vegetation = 70 trunk = 71 terrain = 72 pole = 80 traffic_sign = 81 other_object = 99 moving_car = 252 moving_bicyclist = 253 moving_person = 254 moving_motorcyclist = 255 moving_on_rails = 256 moving_bus = 257 moving_truck = 258 moving_other_vehicle = 259 @property def color(self): color_map = { # bgr 0 : [0, 0, 0], 1 : [0, 0, 255], 9 : [0, 0, 0], 10: [245, 150, 100], 11: [245, 230, 100], 13: [250, 80, 100], 15: [150, 60, 30], 16: [255, 0, 0], 18: [180, 30, 80], 20: [255, 0, 0], 30: [30, 30, 255], 31: [200, 40, 255], 32: [90, 30, 150], 40: [255, 0, 255], 44: [255, 150, 255], 48: [75, 0, 75], 49: [75, 0, 175], 50: [0, 200, 255], 51: [50, 120, 255], 52: [0, 150, 255], 60: [170, 255, 150], 70: [0, 175, 0], 71: [0, 60, 135], 72: [80, 240, 150], 80: [150, 240, 255], 81: [0, 0, 255], 99: [255, 255, 50], 252: [245, 150, 100], 256: [255, 0, 0], 253: [200, 40, 255], 254: [30, 30, 255], 255: [90, 30, 150], 257: [250, 80, 100], 258: [180, 30, 80], 259: [255, 0, 0], } b, g, r = color_map[self.value] return r, g, b @classmethod def _get_learning_map(cls, static_only=True): return { 0 : 0 , # "unlabeled" 1 : 0 , # "outlier" mapped to "unlabeled" --------------------------mapped 10 : 1 , # "car" 11 : 2 , # "bicycle" 13 : 5 , # "bus" mapped to "other-vehicle" --------------------------mapped 15 : 3 , # "motorcycle" 16 : 5 , # "on-rails" mapped to "other-vehicle" ---------------------mapped 18 : 4 , # "truck" 20 : 5 , # "other-vehicle" 30 : 6 , # "person" 31 : 7 , # "bicyclist" 32 : 8 , # "motorcyclist" 40 : 9 , # "road" 44 : 10 , # "parking" 48 : 11 , # "sidewalk" 49 : 12 , # "other-ground" 50 : 13 , # "building" 51 : 14 , # "fence" 52 : 0 , # "other-structure" mapped to "unlabeled" ------------------mapped 60 : 9 , # "lane-marking" to "road" ---------------------------------mapped 70 : 15 , # "vegetation" 71 : 16 , # "trunk" 72 : 17 , # "terrain" 80 : 18 , # "pole" 81 : 19 , # "traffic-sign" 99 : 0 , # "other-object" to "unlabeled" ----------------------------mapped 252: 1 if static_only else 20, # "moving-car" 253: 7 if static_only else 21, # "moving-bicyclist" 254: 6 if static_only else 22, # "moving-person" 255: 8 if static_only else 23, # "moving-motorcyclist" 256: 5 if static_only else 24, # "moving-on-rails" mapped to "moving-other-vehicle" ------mapped 257: 5 if static_only else 24, # "moving-bus" mapped to "moving-other-vehicle" -----------mapped 258: 4 if static_only else 25, # "moving-truck" 259: 5 if static_only else 24, # "moving-other-vehicle" } def to_learning_id(self): return SemanticKittiLearningClass(self._get_learning_map()[self.value]) # ========== Loaders ========== def load_timestamps(basepath, file, formatted=False): """ Read in timestamp file and parse to a list """ timestamps = [] if isinstance(basepath, (str, Path)): fin = Path(basepath, file).open() else: # assume ZipFile object fin = with fin: if formatted: tz_offset = np.timedelta64(1, 'h') # convert German time to UTC time for line in fin.readlines(): timestamps.append(np.datetime64(line.strip()) - tz_offset) timestamps = np.asanyarray(timestamps) else: timestamps = (np.loadtxt(fin) * 1e9).astype("M8[ns]") return timestamps def load_calib_file(basepath, file): """ Read in a calibration file and parse into a dictionary. Accept path or file object as input """ data = {} if isinstance(basepath, (str, Path)): fin = Path(basepath, file).open() else: # assume ZipFile object fin = with fin: for line in fin.readlines(): if not line.strip(): continue if not isinstance(line, str): line = line.decode() if ':' in line: key, value = line.split(':', 1) else: key, value = line.split(" ", 1) # The only non-float values in these files are dates, which we don't care about anyway try: data[key] = np.array([float(x) for x in value.split()]) except ValueError: pass return data def load_oxt_file(basepath, file): data = [] if isinstance(basepath, (str, Path)): fin = Path(basepath, file).open() else: # assume ZipFile object fin = with fin: for line in fin.readlines(): if not line.strip(): continue if not isinstance(line, str): line = line.decode() values = list(map(float, line.strip().split(' '))) values[-5:] = list(map(int, values[-5:])) data.append(OxtData(*values)) return data def parse_pose_from_oxt(oxt: OxtData) -> EgoPose: import utm x, y, *_ = utm.from_latlon(, oxt.lon) t = [x, y, oxt.alt] r = Rotation.from_euler("xyz", [oxt.roll, oxt.pitch, oxt.yaw]) return EgoPose(t, r, position_var=np.eye(3) * oxt.pos_accuracy) def load_image(basepath, file, gray=False): """Load an image from file. Accept path or file object as basepath""" if isinstance(basepath, (str, Path)): return, file)).convert('L' if gray else 'RGB') else: # assume ZipFile object return'L' if gray else 'RGB') def load_velo_scan(basepath, file, formatted=False): """Load and parse a kitti point cloud file. Accept path or file object as basepath""" if isinstance(basepath, (str, Path)): scan = np.fromfile(Path(basepath, file), dtype=np.float32) else: with as fin: buffer = scan = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=np.float32) scan = scan.reshape((-1, 4)) if not formatted: return scan columns = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'intensity'] return scan.view([(c, 'f4') for c in columns]) # ===== Raw data tracklets ===== class _TrackletPose(object): def __init__(self, xmlnode): for prop in xmlnode: setattr(self, prop.tag, float(prop.text)) class _TrackletObject(object): def __init__(self, xmlnode): for prop in xmlnode: if prop.tag == 'poses': self.poses = [_TrackletPose(item) for item in prop if item.tag == 'item'] elif prop.tag == "objectType": self.objectType = prop.text else: setattr(self, prop.tag, float(prop.text)) def load_tracklets(basepath, file): if isinstance(basepath, (str, Path)): fin = Path(basepath, file).open() else: # assume ZipFile object fin = with fin: root = ET.fromstring( root_tracklet = next(iter(root)) tracklets = [_TrackletObject(item) for item in root_tracklet if item.tag == 'item'] return tracklets