Source code for d3d.dataset.kitti.tracking

from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from zipfile import ZipFile

import numpy as np
from d3d.abstraction import (EgoPose, ObjectTag, ObjectTarget3D, Target3DArray,
from d3d.dataset.base import (TrackingDatasetBase, expand_idx, expand_idx_name,
from d3d.dataset.kitti import utils
from d3d.dataset.kitti.utils import KittiObjectClass, OxtData
from import PatchedZipFile
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict

def parse_label(label: list, raw_calib: dict) -> Target3DArray:
    Generate object array from loaded label or result text
    Tr = raw_calib['Tr_velo_cam'].reshape(3, 4)
    RRect = Rotation.from_matrix(raw_calib['R_rect'].reshape(3, 3))
    HR, HT = Rotation.from_matrix(Tr[:,:3]), Tr[:,3]
    objects = Target3DArray()
    objects.frame = "velo"

    for item in label:
        track_id = int(item[0]) # add 1 to prevent 0 tid
        if item[1] == KittiObjectClass.DontCare:

        h,w,l = item[9:12] # height, width, length
        position = item[12:15] # x, y, z in camera coordinate
        ry = item[15] # rotation of y axis in camera coordinate
        position[1] -= h/2

        # parse object position and orientation
        position =, RRect.inv().as_matrix().T)
        position = HR.inv().as_matrix().dot(position - HT)
        orientation = HR.inv() * RRect.inv() * Rotation.from_euler('y', ry)
        orientation *= Rotation.from_euler("x", np.pi/2) # change dimension from l,h,w to l,w,h

        score = item[16] if len(item) == 17 else None
        tag = ObjectTag(item[1], KittiObjectClass, scores=score)
        target = ObjectTarget3D(position, orientation, [l,w,h], tag, tid=track_id)

    return objects

[docs]class KittiTrackingLoader(TrackingDatasetBase): """ Loader for KITTI multi-object tracking dataset, please organize the files into following structure * Zip Files:: - - - - - - * Unzipped Structure:: - <base_path directory> - training - calib - image_02 - label_02 - oxts - velodyne - testing - calib - image_02 - oxts - velodyne For description of constructor parameters, please refer to :class:`d3d.dataset.base.TrackingDatasetBase`. Note that the 3d objects labelled as `DontCare` are removed from the result of :meth:`annotation_3dobject`. """ VALID_CAM_NAMES = ["cam2", "cam3"] VALID_LIDAR_NAMES = ["velo"] VALID_OBJ_CLASSES = KittiObjectClass def __init__(self, base_path, inzip=False, phase="training", trainval_split=0.8, trainval_random=False, trainval_byseq=False, nframes=0): super().__init__(base_path, inzip=inzip, phase=phase, nframes=nframes, trainval_split=trainval_split, trainval_random=trainval_random, trainval_byseq=trainval_byseq) self.phase_path = 'training' if phase == 'validation' else phase # count total number of frames frame_count = defaultdict(int) if self.inzip: for folder in ['image_2', 'image_3', 'velodyne']: data_zip = self.base_path / ("" % folder) if data_zip.exists(): with ZipFile(data_zip) as data: for name in data.namelist(): name = Path(name) if len( != 4: # skip directories continue phase, _, seq, frame = if phase != self.phase_path: continue seq = int(seq) frame_count[seq] = max(frame_count[seq], int(name.stem) + 1) # idx starts from 0 break else: for folder in ['image_02', 'image_03', 'velodyne']: fpath = self.base_path / self.phase_path / folder if fpath.exists(): for seq_path in fpath.iterdir(): seq = int( frame_count[seq] = sum(1 for _ in seq_path.iterdir()) break if not len(frame_count): raise ValueError("Cannot parse dataset, please check path, inzip option and file structure") self.frame_dict = SortedDict(frame_count) self.frames = split_trainval_seq(phase, self.frame_dict, trainval_split, trainval_random, trainval_byseq) self._image_size_cache = {} # used to store the image size (for each sequence) self._label_cache = {} # used to store parsed label data self._calib_cache = {} # used to store parsed calibration data self._pose_cache = {} # used to store parsed pose data def __len__(self): return len(self.frames) @property def sequence_ids(self): return list(self.frame_dict.keys()) @property def sequence_sizes(self): return dict(self.frame_dict) def _locate_frame(self, idx): idx = self.frames[idx] # use underlying frame index for k, v in self.frame_dict.items(): if idx < (v - self.nframes): return k, idx idx -= (v - self.nframes) raise KeyError("Index larger than dataset size") def _preload_label(self, seq_id): if seq_id in self._label_cache: return file_name = Path(self.phase_path, "label_02", "%04d.txt" % seq_id) if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / "", to_extract=file_name) as source: text ='\n') else: with open(self.base_path / file_name, "r") as fin: text = fin.readlines() self._label_cache[seq_id] = defaultdict(list) for line in text: if not line.strip(): continue frame_id, track_id, remain = line.split(" ", 2) values = [KittiObjectClass[value] if idx == 0 else float(value) for idx, value in enumerate(remain.split(' '))] self._label_cache[seq_id][int(frame_id)].append([int(track_id)] + values) def _preload_calib(self, seq_id): if seq_id in self._calib_cache: return file_name = Path(self.phase_path, 'calib', '%04d.txt' % seq_id) if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / "", to_extract=file_name) as source: self._calib_cache[seq_id] = utils.load_calib_file(source, file_name) else: self._calib_cache[seq_id] = utils.load_calib_file(self.base_path, file_name) def _preload_oxts(self, seq_id): if seq_id in self._pose_cache: return file_name = Path(self.phase_path, 'oxts', '%04d.txt' % seq_id) if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / "", to_extract=file_name) as source: text ='\n') else: with open(self.base_path / file_name, "r") as fin: text = fin.readlines() self._pose_cache[seq_id] = [] for line in text: line = line.strip() if not line: continue values = list(map(float, line.strip().split(' '))) values[-5:] = list(map(int, values[-5:])) self._pose_cache[seq_id].append(OxtData(*values))
[docs] @expand_idx_name(VALID_CAM_NAMES) def camera_data(self, idx, names='cam2'): seq_id, frame_idx = idx _folders = { "cam2": ("image_02", ""), "cam3": ("image_03", "") } folder_name, zip_name = _folders[names] fname = Path(self.phase_path, folder_name, "%04d" % seq_id, '%06d.png' % frame_idx) if self._return_file_path: return self.base_path / fname if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / zip_name, to_extract=fname) as source: image = utils.load_image(source, fname, gray=False) else: image = utils.load_image(self.base_path, fname, gray=False) # save image size for calibration if seq_id not in self._image_size_cache: self._image_size_cache[seq_id] = image.size return image
[docs] @expand_idx_name(VALID_LIDAR_NAMES) def lidar_data(self, idx, names='velo', formatted=False): seq_id, frame_idx = idx # This is the problem in KITTI dataset itself if seq_id == 1 and frame_idx in range(177, 181): raise ValueError("There is missing data in KITTI tracking dataset at seq 1, frame 177-180!") assert names == 'velo' fname = Path(self.phase_path, 'velodyne', "%04d" % seq_id, '%06d.bin' % frame_idx) if self._return_file_path: return self.base_path / fname if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / "", to_extract=fname) as source: return utils.load_velo_scan(source, fname, formatted=formatted) else: return utils.load_velo_scan(self.base_path, fname, formatted=formatted)
def _load_calib(self, seq, raw=False): # load the calibration file data self._preload_calib(seq) filedata = self._calib_cache[seq] if raw: return filedata # load image size, which could take additional time if seq not in self._image_size_cache: self.camera_data((seq, self.nframes)) # load first n frames to fill image size cache image_size = self._image_size_cache[seq] # load matrics data = TransformSet("velo") rect = filedata['R_rect'].reshape(3, 3) velo_to_cam = filedata['Tr_velo_cam'].reshape(3, 4) for i in range(4): P = filedata['P%d' % i].reshape(3, 4) intri, offset = P[:, :3], P[:, 3] projection = offset_cartesian = np.linalg.inv(projection).dot(offset) extri = np.vstack([velo_to_cam, np.array([0,0,0,1])]) extri[:3, 3] += offset_cartesian frame = "cam%d" % i data.set_intrinsic_camera(frame, projection, image_size, rotate=False) data.set_extrinsic(extri, frame_to=frame) data.set_intrinsic_general("imu") data.set_extrinsic(filedata['Tr_imu_velo'].reshape(3, 4), frame_from="imu") return data
[docs] def calibration_data(self, idx, raw=False): assert not self._return_file_path, "The calibration is not stored in single file!" if isinstance(idx, int): seq_id, _ = self._locate_frame(idx) else: seq_id, _ = idx return self._load_calib(seq_id, raw)
[docs] @expand_idx def annotation_3dobject(self, idx, raw=False): assert not self._return_file_path, "The annotation is not stored in single file!" assert self.phase_path != "testing", "Testing dataset doesn't contain label data" seq_id, frame_idx = idx self._preload_label(seq_id) label_data = self._label_cache[seq_id][frame_idx] if raw: return label_data self._preload_calib(seq_id) raw_calib = self._calib_cache[seq_id] return parse_label(label_data, raw_calib)
[docs] @expand_idx def identity(self, idx): return idx
[docs] @expand_idx def pose(self, idx, raw=False): seq_id, frame_idx = idx self._preload_oxts(seq_id) raw_pose = self._pose_cache[seq_id][frame_idx] if raw: return raw_pose return utils.parse_pose_from_oxt(raw_pose)
@property def pose_name(self): return 'imu'
[docs] @expand_idx def timestamp(self, idx, names="velo"): del names _, fidx = idx return fidx * 1e5 + 1 # assuming the data frequency is 10Hz and prepend a delay