Source code for d3d.dataset.kitti.object

import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
from zipfile import ZipFile
import zipfile
from io import RawIOBase

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

from d3d.abstraction import (ObjectTag, ObjectTarget3D, Target3DArray,
from d3d.dataset.base import DetectionDatasetBase, check_frames, split_trainval, expand_name
from d3d.dataset.kitti import utils
from d3d.dataset.kitti.utils import KittiObjectClass
from import PatchedZipFile

def load_label(basepath, file):
    Load label or result from text file in KITTI object detection label format
    data = []
    if isinstance(basepath, (str, Path)):
        fin = Path(basepath, file).open()
    else:  # assume ZipFile object
        fin =

    with fin:
        for line in fin.readlines():
            if not line.strip():
            if isinstance(line, bytes):
                line = line.decode()

            values = [KittiObjectClass[value] if idx == 0 else float(value)
                      for idx, value in enumerate(line.split(' '))]

    return data

def parse_label(label: list, raw_calib: dict):
    Generate object array from loaded label or result text
    Tr = raw_calib['Tr_velo_to_cam'].reshape(3, 4)
    RRect = Rotation.from_matrix(raw_calib['R0_rect'].reshape(3, 3))
    HR, HT = Rotation.from_matrix(Tr[:,:3]), Tr[:,3]
    objects = Target3DArray()
    objects.frame = "velo"

    for item in label:
        if item[0] == KittiObjectClass.DontCare:

        h,w,l = item[8:11] # height, width, length
        position = item[11:14] # x, y, z in camera coordinate
        ry = item[14] # rotation of y axis in camera coordinate
        position[1] -= h/2

        # parse object position and orientation
        position =, RRect.inv().as_matrix().T)
        position = HR.inv().as_matrix().dot(position - HT)
        orientation = HR.inv() * RRect.inv() * Rotation.from_euler('y', ry)
        orientation *= Rotation.from_euler("x", np.pi/2) # change dimension from l,h,w to l,w,h

        score = item[15] if len(item) == 16 else None
        tag = ObjectTag(item[0], KittiObjectClass, scores=score)
        target = ObjectTarget3D(position, orientation, [l,w,h], tag)

    return objects

def _line_box_intersect(p0, p1, width, height):
    # p0: inlier point
    # p1: outlier point
    k = (p1[1] - p0[1]) / (p1[0] - p0[0])
    # find which border
    case = None
    if p1[0] < p0[0]:
        if p1[1] < p0[1]:
            k0 = p0[1] / p0[0]
            case = 2 if k > k0 else 3
            k0 = - (height - p0[1]) / p0[0]
            case = 3 if k > k0 else 0
        if p1[1] < p0[1]:
            k0 = - p0[1] / (width - p0[0])
            case = 1 if k > k0 else 2
            k0 = (height - p0[1]) / (width - p0[0])
            case = 0 if k > k0 else 1

    # do intersection
    if case == 0: # y > height border
        x = p0[0] + (height - p0[1]) / k
        y = height
    elif case == 1: # x > width border
        x = width
        y = p0[1] + (width - p0[0]) * k
    elif case == 2: # y < 0 border
        x = p1[0] + (-p1[1]) / k
        y = 0
    elif case == 3: # x < 0 border
        x = 0
        y = p1[1] + (-p1[0]) * k

    assert 0 <= x <= width, "x = %.2f" % x
    assert 0 <= y <= height, "y = %.2f" % y
    return (x, y)     

[docs]class KittiObjectLoader(DetectionDatasetBase): """ Loader for KITTI object detection dataset, please organize the files into following structure * Zip Files:: - - - - - * Unzipped Structure:: - <base_path directory> - training - calib - image_2 - label_2 - velodyne - testing - calib - image_2 - velodyne Note that the 3d objects labelled as `DontCare` are removed from the result of :meth:`annotation_3dobject`. For description of constructor parameters, please refer to :class:`d3d.dataset.base.DetectionDatasetBase` """ VALID_CAM_NAMES = ["cam2", "cam3"] # TODO: rename to camera_gray_left, etc. VALID_LIDAR_NAMES = ["velo"] VALID_OBJ_CLASSES = KittiObjectClass def __init__(self, base_path, inzip=False, phase="training", trainval_split=0.8, trainval_random=False): super().__init__(base_path, inzip=inzip, phase=phase, trainval_split=trainval_split, trainval_random=trainval_random) self.phase_path = 'training' if phase == 'validation' else phase # count total number of frames total_count = None if self.inzip: for folder in ['image_2', 'image_3', 'velodyne', 'label_2']: data_zip = self.base_path / ("" % folder) if data_zip.exists(): with ZipFile(data_zip) as data: total_count = total_count or sum(1 for name in data.namelist() \ if name.startswith(self.phase_path) and not name.endswith('/')) break else: for folder in ['image_2', 'image_3', 'velodyne', 'label_2']: fpath = self.base_path / self.phase_path / folder if fpath.exists(): total_count = sum(1 for _ in fpath.iterdir()) break if not total_count: raise ValueError("Cannot parse dataset, please check path, inzip option and file structure") self.frames = split_trainval(phase, total_count, trainval_split, trainval_random) self._image_size_cache = {} # used to store the image size def __len__(self): return len(self.frames) def _parse_idx(self, idx): if isinstance(idx, int): uidx = self.frames[idx] else: uidx, = idx return uidx
[docs] @expand_name(VALID_CAM_NAMES) def camera_data(self, idx, names='cam2'): if names == "cam2": folder_name = "image_2" elif names == "cam3": folder_name = "image_3" uidx = self._parse_idx(idx) fname = Path(self.phase_path, folder_name, '%06d.png' % uidx) if self._return_file_path: return self.base_path / fname if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / ("" % folder_name), to_extract=fname) as source: image = utils.load_image(source, fname, gray=False) else: image = utils.load_image(self.base_path, fname, gray=False) # save image size for calibration if uidx not in self._image_size_cache: self._image_size_cache[uidx] = image.size return image
[docs] @expand_name(VALID_LIDAR_NAMES) def lidar_data(self, idx, names='velo', formatted=False): assert names == 'velo' uidx = self._parse_idx(idx) fname = Path(self.phase_path, 'velodyne', '%06d.bin' % uidx) if self._return_file_path: return self.base_path / fname if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / "", to_extract=fname) as source: return utils.load_velo_scan(source, fname, formatted=formatted) else: return utils.load_velo_scan(self.base_path, fname, formatted=formatted)
def _load_calib(self, basepath, uidx, raw=False): # load the calibration file fname = Path(self.phase_path, 'calib', '%06d.txt' % uidx) filedata = utils.load_calib_file(basepath, fname) if raw: return filedata # load image size, which could take additional time if uidx not in self._image_size_cache: self.camera_data((uidx,)) # fill image size cache image_size = self._image_size_cache[uidx] # load matrics data = TransformSet("velo") rect = filedata['R0_rect'].reshape(3, 3) velo_to_cam = filedata['Tr_velo_to_cam'].reshape(3, 4) for i in range(4): P = filedata['P%d' % i].reshape(3, 4) intri, offset = P[:, :3], P[:, 3] projection = offset_cartesian = np.linalg.inv(projection).dot(offset) extri = np.vstack([velo_to_cam, np.array([0,0,0,1])]) extri[:3, 3] += offset_cartesian frame = "cam%d" % i data.set_intrinsic_camera(frame, projection, image_size, rotate=False) data.set_extrinsic(extri, frame_to=frame) data.set_intrinsic_general("imu") data.set_extrinsic(filedata['Tr_imu_to_velo'].reshape(3, 4), frame_from="imu") return data
[docs] def calibration_data(self, idx, raw=False): uidx = self._parse_idx(idx) fname = Path(self.phase_path, 'calib', '%06d.txt' % uidx) if self._return_file_path: return self.base_path / fname if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / "", to_extract=fname) as source: return self._load_calib(source, uidx, raw) else: return self._load_calib(self.base_path, uidx, raw)
[docs] def annotation_3dobject(self, idx, raw=False): assert self.phase_path != "testing", "Testing dataset doesn't contain label data" uidx = self._parse_idx(idx) fname = Path(self.phase_path, 'label_2', '%06d.txt' % uidx) if self._return_file_path: return self.base_path / fname if self.inzip: with PatchedZipFile(self.base_path / "", to_extract=fname) as source: label = load_label(source, fname) else: label = load_label(self.base_path, fname) if raw: return label return parse_label(label, self.calibration_data((uidx,), raw=True))
[docs] def identity(self, idx): return (self.frames[idx],)
[docs] def dump_detection_output(self, idx: Union[int, tuple], detections: Target3DArray, fout: Union[str, Path, RawIOBase]) -> None: ''' Save the detection in KITTI output format. We need raw calibration for R0_rect ''' uidx = self._parse_idx(idx) calib = self.calibration_data(uidx) raw_calib = self.calibration_data(uidx, raw=True) # get intrinsics assert detections.frame == "velo" Tr = raw_calib['Tr_velo_to_cam'].reshape(3, 4) RRect = Rotation.from_matrix(raw_calib['R0_rect'].reshape(3, 3)) HR, HT = Rotation.from_matrix(Tr[:,:3]), Tr[:,3] meta = calib.intrinsics_meta['cam2'] width, height = meta.width, meta.height # process detections output_lines = [] output_format = "%s 0 0 0" + " %.2f" * 12 for box in detections: # calculate bounding box 2D uv, mask, dmask = calib.project_points_to_camera(box.corners, frame_to="cam2", frame_from="velo", remove_outlier=False, return_dmask=True) if len(uv[mask]) < 1: continue # ignore boxes that is outside the image bdpoints = [] pairs = [(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7), # box lines (0, 4), (1, 5), (2, 6), (3, 7), (0, 2), (1, 3), (4, 6), (5, 7)] inlier = [i in mask for i in range(len(uv))] for i, j in pairs: if not inlier[i] and not inlier[j]: continue if i not in dmask or j not in dmask: # only calculate for points ahead continue if not inlier[i]: bdpoints.append(_line_box_intersect(uv[j], uv[i], width, height)) if not inlier[j]: bdpoints.append(_line_box_intersect(uv[i], uv[j], width, height)) uv = np.array(uv[mask].tolist() + bdpoints) umin, vmin = np.min(uv, axis=0) umax, vmax = np.max(uv, axis=0) # calculate position in original 3D frame l,w,h = box.dimension position = RRect.as_matrix().dot(HR.as_matrix().dot(box.position) + HT) position[1] += h/2 orientation = box.orientation * Rotation.from_euler("x", np.pi/2) orientation = RRect * HR * orientation yaw = orientation.as_euler("YZX")[0] output_values = (,) output_values += (umin, vmin, umax, vmax) output_values += (h, w, l) output_values += tuple(position.tolist()) output_values += (yaw, box.tag_top_score) output_lines.append(output_format % output_values) content = "\n".join(output_lines) if isinstance(fout, (str, Path)): Path(fout).write_text(content) else: fout.write(content.encode())
[docs]def execute_official_evaluator(exec_path, label_path, result_path, output_path, model_name=None, show_output=True): ''' Execute official evaluator from KITTI devkit :param label_path: path to the extracted labels of kitti dataset :param result_path: path to the results created by dump_detection_output :parma output_path: path to the output evaluation results :param model_name: unique name of your model. KITTI tool requires sha1 as model name, but that's not mandatory. :param show_output: show_output option passed to Kitti evaluator Note: to install prerequisites `sudo apt install gnuplot texlive-extra-utils` ''' model_name = model_name or "noname" # create temporary directory temp_path = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) temp_label_path = temp_path / "data" / "object" temp_result_path = temp_path / "results" / model_name temp_label_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) temp_result_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) output_path = Path(output_path) output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try: # execute (temp_label_path / "label_2").symlink_to(label_path, target_is_directory=True) (temp_result_path / "data").symlink_to(result_path, target_is_directory=True) proc = subprocess.Popen([exec_path, model_name], cwd=temp_path, stdout=None if show_output else subprocess.PIPE) proc.wait() # move result files for dirname in temp_result_path.iterdir(): if == "data": continue shutil.move(dirname, output_path) finally: # clean shutil.rmtree(temp_path)
def create_submission(result_path, output_file): ''' Create submission file from dumped detection results (using dump_detection_output) :param output_file: Output zip file. If not ended with `.zip`, `.zip` will be appended ''' fsubmission = Path(output_file) if fsubmission.suffix != ".zip": fsubmission = fsubmission.parent / ( + ".zip") fsubmission.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) with zipfile.ZipFile(fsubmission, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as archive: for file in Path(result_path).iterdir(): archive.write(file, print("Submission file created at", fsubmission) def parse_detection_output(): from argparse import ArgumentParser from tqdm import tqdm parser = ArgumentParser(description='Convert detection output to dumped binary files with d3d object array.') parser.add_argument('input', type=str, help='Directory of detection output files') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, help='Output directory. If not provided, it will be the same as input') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dataset-path', type=str, dest="dspath", help='Path of the KITTI object dataset') parser.add_argument('-p', '--phase', type=str, default='training', choices=['training', 'testing'], help="Dataset phase, either training or testing") parser.add_argument('-z', '--inzip', action="store_true", help="Whether the dataset is in zip archives") args = parser.parse_args() loader = KittiObjectLoader(args.dspath, inzip=args.inzip, phase=args.phase, trainval_split=1) input_path = Path(args.input) output_path = Path(args.output or args.input) output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for txtpath in tqdm(input_path.iterdir(), total=sum(1 for _ in input_path.iterdir())): relpath = txtpath.relative_to(input_path) boxes = load_label(input_path, relpath) calib = loader.calibration_data(int(relpath.stem), raw=True) boxes = parse_label(boxes, calib) boxes.dump(output_path / relpath.with_suffix('.objs'))