Source code for

import numpy as np

    import torch
    from .box_impl import (cuda_available,
        nms2d as nms2d_cc,
        crop_2dr as crop_2dr_cc,
        IouType, SupressionType
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("Cannot find compiled library! D3D is probably compiled without pytorch!")

if cuda_available:
    from .box_impl import (

# TODO: separate iou and iou loss (the latter one is the diagonal result of previous one)
#       and it seems that we need the backward part only for the iou loss

[docs]class Iou2D(torch.autograd.Function): ''' Differentiable axis aligned IoU function for 2D boxes ''' @staticmethod def forward(ctx, boxes1, boxes2): ctx.save_for_backward(boxes1, boxes2) if boxes1.is_cuda and boxes2.is_cuda: assert cuda_available, "d3d was not built with CUDA support!" return iou2d_forward_cuda(boxes1, boxes2) else: return iou2d_forward(boxes1, boxes2) @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad): boxes1, boxes2 = ctx.saved_tensors if grad.is_cuda: assert cuda_available, "d3d was not built with CUDA support!" return iou2d_backward_cuda(boxes1, boxes2, grad) else: return iou2d_backward(boxes1, boxes2, grad)
[docs]class Iou2DR(torch.autograd.Function): ''' Differentiable rotated IoU function for 2D boxes ''' @staticmethod def forward(ctx, boxes1, boxes2): if boxes1.is_cuda and boxes2.is_cuda: assert cuda_available, "d3d was not built with CUDA support!" ious, nx, xflags = iou2dr_forward_cuda(boxes1, boxes2) else: ious, nx, xflags = iou2dr_forward(boxes1, boxes2) ctx.save_for_backward(boxes1, boxes2, nx, xflags) return ious @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad): boxes1, boxes2, nx, xflags = ctx.saved_tensors if grad.is_cuda: assert cuda_available, "d3d was not built with CUDA support!" return iou2dr_backward_cuda(boxes1, boxes2, grad, nx, xflags) else: return iou2dr_backward(boxes1, boxes2, grad, nx, xflags)
[docs]class GIou2DR(torch.autograd.Function): ''' Differentiable rotated GIoU function for 2D boxes ''' @staticmethod def forward(ctx, boxes1, boxes2): if boxes1.is_cuda and boxes2.is_cuda: assert cuda_available, "d3d was not built with CUDA support!" ious, nxm, flags = giou2dr_forward_cuda(boxes1, boxes2) else: ious, nxm, flags = giou2dr_forward(boxes1, boxes2) ctx.save_for_backward(boxes1, boxes2, nxm, flags) return ious @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad): boxes1, boxes2, nxm, flags = ctx.saved_tensors if grad.is_cuda: assert cuda_available, "d3d was not built with CUDA support!" return giou2dr_backward_cuda(boxes1, boxes2, grad, nxm, flags) else: return giou2dr_backward(boxes1, boxes2, grad, nxm, flags)
[docs]class DIou2DR(torch.autograd.Function): ''' Differentiable rotated DIoU function for 2D boxes ''' @staticmethod def forward(ctx, boxes1, boxes2): if boxes1.is_cuda and boxes2.is_cuda: assert cuda_available, "d3d was not built with CUDA support!" ious, nxd, flags = diou2dr_forward_cuda(boxes1, boxes2) else: ious, nxd, flags = diou2dr_forward(boxes1, boxes2) ctx.save_for_backward(boxes1, boxes2, nxd, flags) return ious @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad): boxes1, boxes2, nxd, flags = ctx.saved_tensors if grad.is_cuda: assert cuda_available, "d3d was not built with CUDA support!" return diou2dr_backward_cuda(boxes1, boxes2, grad, nxd, flags) else: return diou2dr_backward(boxes1, boxes2, grad, nxd, flags)
class PDist2DR(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, points, boxes): if boxes.is_cuda and points.is_cuda: assert cuda_available, "d3d was not built with CUDA support!" dist, iedge = pdist2dr_forward_cuda(boxes, points) else: dist, iedge = pdist2dr_forward(boxes, points) ctx.save_for_backward(points, boxes, iedge) return dist @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad): points, boxes, iedge = ctx.saved_tensors if grad.is_cuda: assert cuda_available, "d3d was not built with CUDA support!" return pdist2dr_backward_cuda(boxes, points, grad, iedge) else: return pdist2dr_backward(boxes, points, grad, iedge)
[docs]def seg1d_iou(seg1, seg2): ''' Calculate IoU of 1D segments The input should be n*2, where the last dim is [center, width] :param boxes1: Input segments, shape is Nx2 :param boxes2: Input segments, shape is Nx2 ''' assert torch.all(seg1[:,1] > 0) assert torch.all(seg2[:,1] > 0) dseg1 = seg1[:,1] / 2 dseg2 = seg1[:,1] / 2 s1max = seg1[:,0] + dseg1 s1min = seg1[:,0] - dseg1 s2max = seg2[:,0] + dseg2 s2min = seg2[:,0] - dseg2 imax = torch.where(s1max > s2max, s2max, s1max) imin = torch.where(s1min < s2min, s2min, s1min) umax = torch.where(s1max > s2max, s1max, s2max) umin = torch.where(s1min < s2min, s1min, s2min) i = torch.clamp_min(imax - imin, 0) u = torch.clamp_min(umax - umin, 1e-6) return i / u
[docs]def box2d_iou(boxes1, boxes2, method="box", precise=True): ''' Differentiable IoU on axis-aligned or rotated 2D boxes :param boxes1: Input boxes, shape is N x 5 (x,y,w,h,r) :param boxes2: Input boxes, shape is N x 5 (x,y,w,h,r) :param method: 'box' - axis-aligned box, 'rbox' - rotated box, 'grbox' - giou for rotated box, 'drbox' - diou for rotated box :param precise: force using double precision to calculate iou ''' convert_numpy = False if isinstance(boxes1, np.ndarray): assert isinstance(boxes2, np.ndarray), "Input should be both numpy tensor or pytorch tensor!" boxes1 = torch.from_numpy(boxes1) boxes2 = torch.from_numpy(boxes2) convert_numpy = True otype = boxes1.dtype if precise: boxes1 = boxes2 = if len(boxes1.shape) != 2 or len(boxes2.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("Input of rbox_2d_iou should be Nx2 tensors!") if boxes1.shape[1] != 5 or boxes2.shape[1] != 5: raise ValueError("Input boxes should have 5 fields: x, y, w, h, r") iou_type = getattr(IouType, method.upper()) if iou_type == IouType.BOX: impl = Iou2D elif iou_type == IouType.RBOX: impl = Iou2DR elif iou_type == IouType.GRBOX: impl = GIou2DR elif iou_type == IouType.DRBOX: impl = DIou2DR else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized iou type!") result = impl.apply(boxes1, boxes2) if precise: result = if convert_numpy: return result.numpy() return result
[docs]def box2d_nms(boxes, scores, iou_method="box", supression_method="hard", iou_threshold=0, score_threshold=0, supression_param=0, precise=True): ''' NMS on axis-aligned or rotated 2D boxes :param method: 'box' - axis-aligned box, 'rbox' - rotated box :param precise: force using double precision to calculate iou :param iou_threshold: IoU threshold for two boxes to be considered as overlapped :param score_threshold: Minimum score for a box to be considered as valid :param suppression_param: Type of suppression. {0: hard, 1: linear, 2: gaussian}. See reference below for details .. Soft-NMS: Bodla, Navaneeth, et al. “Soft-NMS–improving object detection with one line of code.” Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision. 2017. ''' convert_numpy = False if isinstance(boxes, np.ndarray): assert isinstance(scores, np.ndarray), "Input should be both numpy tensor or pytorch tensor!" boxes = torch.from_numpy(boxes) scores = torch.from_numpy(scores) convert_numpy = True if precise: boxes = scores = if len(boxes) != len(scores): raise ValueError("Numbers of boxes and scores are inconsistent!") if len(scores.shape) == 2: scores = scores.max(axis=1).values if boxes.numel() == 0: return torch.tensor([], dtype=torch.bool) iou_type = getattr(IouType, iou_method.upper()) supression_type = getattr(SupressionType, supression_method.upper()) if boxes.is_cuda and scores.is_cuda: assert cuda_available, "d3d was not built with CUDA support!" impl = nms2d_cuda else: impl = nms2d_cc suppressed = impl(boxes, scores, iou_type, supression_type, iou_threshold, score_threshold, supression_param ) mask = ~suppressed if convert_numpy: return mask.numpy() return mask
def box2dr_crop(points, boxes): ''' Crop point points points out given rotated boxes. The result is a list of indices tensor where each tensor is corresponding to indices of points lying in the box :param points: The input point points, shape: N x 2 :param boxes: Input boxes array, shape: M x 5 ''' result = crop_2dr_cc(points, boxes) return result def box3dp_crop(points, boxes, project_axis=2): ''' Crop point points points out given rotated boxes with boxes projected to given axis :param points: The input point points, shape: N x 3 :param boxes: Input boxes array, shape: M x 7 :param project_axis: Axis for the box to be projected to. {0: x, 1: y, 2: z} ''' if project_axis == 0: points_2d = points[:, [1,2]] boxes_2d = boxes[:, [1,2,4,5,6]] elif project_axis == 1: points_2d = points[:, [0,2]] boxes_2d = boxes[:, [0,2,3,5,6]] elif project_axis == 2: points_2d = points[:, [0,1]] boxes_2d = boxes[:, [0,1,3,4,6]] else: raise ValueError("The projection axis can only be 0-x, 1-y and 2-z!") mask_2d = crop_2dr_cc(points_2d, boxes_2d) points_p = points[:, [project_axis]].t() boxes_p = boxes[:, [project_axis]] boxes_pd = boxes[:, [3+project_axis]] / 2 mask_p = (points_p - boxes_pd < boxes_p) & (boxes_p < points_p + boxes_pd) return mask_2d & mask_p def seg1d_pdist(points, segs): ''' Calculate distance from points to segments The input segments should be n*2, where the last dim is [center, width] :param points: Input points, shape is Nx1 :param segs: Input segments, shape is Nx2 ''' assert torch.all(segs[:,1] > 0) dsegs = segs[:,1] / 2 smax = segs[:,0] + dsegs smin = segs[:,0] - dsegs return torch.where(points > segs[:,0], smax - points, points - smin) def box2dr_pdist(points, boxes, method="rbox"): ''' Calculate signed distance from points to 2d boxes (surfaces) :param points: target points, shape: N x 2 :param boxes: target boxes, shape: M x 5 :param method: 'rbox' - rotated box ''' if len(boxes.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("Input boxes should be Nx2 tensors!") if boxes.shape[1] != 5: raise ValueError("Input boxes should have 5 fields: x, y, w, h, r") if method != "rbox": raise ValueError("Only supported rotated boxes by now!") result = PDist2DR.apply(points, boxes) return result def box3dr_pdist(points, boxes, project_axis=2): ''' Calculate signed distance from points to 3d boxes (surfaces) :param points: target points, shape: N x 3 :param boxes: target boxes, shape: M x 7 :param project_axis: Axis for the box to be projected to. {0: x, 1: y, 2: z} ''' if project_axis == 0: points_2d = points[:, [1,2]] boxes_2d = boxes[:, [1,2,4,5,6]] elif project_axis == 1: points_2d = points[:, [0,2]] boxes_2d = boxes[:, [0,2,3,5,6]] elif project_axis == 2: points_2d = points[:, [0,1]] boxes_2d = boxes[:, [0,1,3,4,6]] else: raise ValueError("The projection axis can only be 0-x, 1-y and 2-z!") dist_2d = box2dr_pdist(points_2d, boxes_2d) points_p = points[:, [project_axis]] segs_p = boxes[:, [project_axis, 3+project_axis]] dist_p = seg1d_pdist(points_p, segs_p) dist = torch.where( dist_p > 0, torch.where(dist_2d > 0, torch.min(dist_p, dist_2d), dist_2d), torch.where(dist_2d > 0, dist_p, -torch.sqrt(dist_2d.square() + dist_p.square())) ) return dist